Monday, 23 May 2011


These are my three drawings of a plant. I chose to do a Venus fly trap. This is what I came up with. I used the pen tool to create the black outline, stroking the path each time, and then used gradients to give a slight 3D effect to make them all more realistic.

I then drew three images of an insect. I though I would draw grasshoppers. These are the three images which I managed to draw. I used the same technique as I did with the plant drawings, but I used a wider range of gradients and colours to fill the Grasshoppers, again to make them slightly realistic.

I then had to draw three images of an animal so I chose to draw a deer. I used the same technique as the previous images, I just added more detail to make the deer realistic and 3D. I also used the dodge and burn to give shaded areas and highlighted areas to the deer.

I could use these drawings in my game. If i were to use the plant drawings, they would be placed around the floor in an image of woodlands. If i used the grasshopper, it would be on a tree or perhaps a rock in the water. Also if i decided to place a deer in my images it would be in the background or maybe poking round a tree in the distance. Any of these drawings, if I were to use them in my final images, could be either a good or bad token or just something to interact with.

These are the source images which I used to get the basics for my drawings.


Game Outline.

My game is going to be about a mannequin which has lost his coins and wants to get them back. You start off as a wood mannequin, then once you have collected all of the wooden coins, you become a silver mannequin, Then you to find all of the silver coins. Once you have done this you become a golden mannequin, the highest colour/rank to reach, and have to collect the golden coins. Once all of the golden coins are collected you win. The coins will be dotted around in several images.

This could be a creatures home or a part of the game where you need to find something within or near this tree.

This could be where a creature is hiding behind the tree or sitting on the branches, waiting to inform you on something.
 This could be possibly a point where you need to cross the river. One route is good the other is bad.

 This could be another optional route across the river.
 This image can contain bad creatures which live within the water. A reason why you would not want to fall  in whilst crossing.
 This could be a safe place to gather water elements or grass for health or energy.
 This could be a point where a creature or being gives information, they could be hiding behind the tree or in the distance. There could also be hidden coins to find.
 This could be a shot of a possible maze ahead as the trees are collapsed.
 This can can be bad creatures which live within the water. A reason why you would not want to fall  in whilst crossing.
 This could be a tree with coins hidden in the area.
 This could be an image of where you need to reach.
 This could be a game cover or just an image for a location in the game.
 Again this could be used as a cover or even a choice to go through the forest or around.
 This could be a safe place as your up high and have rocks to shelter.
 This could be a shelter or seat or where a creature may give you some info.
 Again this could be another safe place to rest, or a place to see where to go to.
 This could be a shot of your destination.
 Again this could be a shot of your destination.
 This can be used as a shelter or a place to gather elements for health or energy.
This could be where you decide to interact with the animals, or avoid them.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


We went on a trip to Dartmoor to gather images and ideas for our project. These are some of the images I took.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Draw Me A Story Exhibition

Today we went as a group to look at an exhibition on children's illustration in the museum . It was research for the project we are currently doing.

Most of the illustrations there were very simple. What I mean by this is that the majority of the drawings were all line based drawings. As well as this making it clear for the children to understand of the picture more the simplicity in the illustrations makes the meaning behind the illustrations very clear.

The mood in most of the illustrations were really exaggerated and there was also a limited use of strong colours. The majority of the pictures either did not have a background or just had a very simple plain background. Due to this it made them meaning of the illustration very focused.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Today's task was to draw line drawings of an object from the different angles. I drew a mannequin from the top, front and back. I then scanned them onto a computer and manipulated them twice each, once to add colour and the second to add shading. here is what I came out with.

If i were to draw these again i would try to get the drawing as symmetrical as possible so i can have a more accurate image in the end. I would also use a different colour or make a wood texture to go over the drawing to make it more realistic.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Childs Games Research

Today we had to research line drawings for children's games as the task for this unit is create our own game in which it will be used by children.

Thisimage on the right is an image of a cartoon boy. It stands about due to the black lines. His facial expression is as if he is very happy for some reason and the sun which is in the back ground make it look like a happy, jolly scenario. The swirly background does make it quite confusing to understand the picture a bit.

This image here was from a game on It is a very simple character design as its just basically a circular figure with arms and legs. his face has no expression what so ever and his clenched fists suggest that he is perhaps out for revenge or that he is angry. by the looks of this one there has been more time spent on the background rather than the main character.

This is another image from a game on the same website. It is a cartoon character of a man. This figure has actualy got colour which in some cases can help you recognise that he is a character or human being. the lines used to outline him are very rough and the shading on his hair shows hes in a lighted area. Also the shading on this character makes him 3D.

Here is another example of line drawings in children's games. this one looks more realistic than the others as it has more time spent on the facial features and a realistic body unlike a circle like the previous examples. Also the shading in this one makes it stand out more from the background. There has been more time spent on the image than in the background.

This is a character of a stick figure. This game is a game for the elder rand of children, perhaps teenager. It is a shoot out game and the the only rely detailed part is the gun and hat as the stick figure is just lines and circles. It is quite a simple character to draw. it has no colour but in this game its still quite easy to make out wahts what as its not complicated detail.