These are my three drawings of a plant. I chose to do a Venus fly trap. This is what I came up with. I used the pen tool to create the black outline, stroking the path each time, and then used gradients to give a slight 3D effect to make them all more realistic.
I then drew three images of an insect. I though I would draw grasshoppers. These are the three images which I managed to draw. I used the same technique as I did with the plant drawings, but I used a wider range of gradients and colours to fill the Grasshoppers, again to make them slightly realistic.
I then had to draw three images of an animal so I chose to draw a deer. I used the same technique as the previous images, I just added more detail to make the deer realistic and 3D. I also used the dodge and burn to give shaded areas and highlighted areas to the deer.
I could use these drawings in my game. If i were to use the plant drawings, they would be placed around the floor in an image of woodlands. If i used the grasshopper, it would be on a tree or perhaps a rock in the water. Also if i decided to place a deer in my images it would be in the background or maybe poking round a tree in the distance. Any of these drawings, if I were to use them in my final images, could be either a good or bad token or just something to interact with.
These are the source images which I used to get the basics for my drawings.