Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Childs Games Research

Today we had to research line drawings for children's games as the task for this unit is create our own game in which it will be used by children.

Thisimage on the right is an image of a cartoon boy. It stands about due to the black lines. His facial expression is as if he is very happy for some reason and the sun which is in the back ground make it look like a happy, jolly scenario. The swirly background does make it quite confusing to understand the picture a bit.

This image here was from a game on It is a very simple character design as its just basically a circular figure with arms and legs. his face has no expression what so ever and his clenched fists suggest that he is perhaps out for revenge or that he is angry. by the looks of this one there has been more time spent on the background rather than the main character.

This is another image from a game on the same website. It is a cartoon character of a man. This figure has actualy got colour which in some cases can help you recognise that he is a character or human being. the lines used to outline him are very rough and the shading on his hair shows hes in a lighted area. Also the shading on this character makes him 3D.

Here is another example of line drawings in children's games. this one looks more realistic than the others as it has more time spent on the facial features and a realistic body unlike a circle like the previous examples. Also the shading in this one makes it stand out more from the background. There has been more time spent on the image than in the background.

This is a character of a stick figure. This game is a game for the elder rand of children, perhaps teenager. It is a shoot out game and the the only rely detailed part is the gun and hat as the stick figure is just lines and circles. It is quite a simple character to draw. it has no colour but in this game its still quite easy to make out wahts what as its not complicated detail.

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