Monday 6 June 2011

Research On Artist - Every Day Objects

Andy Warhole is a famous artist most famous for his pop art. One of his pieces is his drawing of Campbell's soup can. This has become one of his most famous drawings. My imitationof Andy Warhole's work is of a galaxy bar. I used the pen tool and gradients to create it.

Pablo Picasso has used an acoustic guitar in on of his paintings. This painting is called 'The Old Guitarist'. This painting could represent a person who has been playing a musical instrument all their life.

Marcel Duchamp has used a really common object in one of his pieces, A wheel. This is an everyday day object mainly used in transport. There  isn't much in common with the wheel and the stool which is maybe the idea of this painting.

Claes Oldenburg's art is mainly big everyday objects. It has quite a surreal feel to it as normally a safety pin is tiny compared to a human whereas here he has made it so the human is tiny compared to the safety pin. My imitation of Claes Oldenburg's work is a big earphone in a field.

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